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Tuesday, November 15, 2011



Commemoration ceremony in Reichstag, Maret 1928

a memorial to First of all and World War To Due, the Germany soldiers in Tannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

A Volkstrauertag proposed in 1919 by Peperangan Jerman Menguburkan?Mengukir Commission ( Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge) as a commemoration for the Germany soldiers kills in Great war. That is first [ disimpan/laksanakan in] 1922 in Reichstag and in 1926, that set mind on to observes Volkstrauertag regularly in Reminiscere ( second Sunday of Lent.)

In Weimar Republic, Volkstrauertag is not a legal holiday for a few consideration:

That do not be drawn explains in constitution Weimar does authority to depict sleep legal holiday bersama/ depend on Reich or länder ( state). From year to year this thing led to local differences in regulations, seed and interpretations.

Both biggest Christian churchs in conflict ( in) for a tanggal/date proper for memory. Both has had one day mourning of dead man Pada Bulannovember: Catholik Of All Souls's Day and Protestant Totensonntag. a tanggal/date proposed in springtime, Invocavit ( Sunday first in Lent) or Reminiscere ( second Sunday in Lent), in Passiontide. This is also important for the two churchs, because confirmation service takes place at now in many Protestant parishs.

Political instability of Weimar Republic hinders some trying to arrange Volkstrauertag day through legislation, because Reichstag is gaoled several times in which mid. term.

[-   edits] Heldengedenktag ( 1934–1945)

In 27 Februaries 1934, National Socialists introduces legislation of national vacation to make Heldengedenktag ( Day Commemoration Heroes), cementing ketaatan/ibadat. In processing, they completely changes character from vacation: emphasis shifted to worship of warrior compared to dead man memory. Yusuf Goebbels as Propaganda Minister, guide released in contents and implementation, instructs that flaging [shall] no longer be invaded halfmast. Heldengedenktag which is last celebrated in 1945.

[-   edits] Modern form

After end of World War Two, Volkstrauertag observed in form its(the original in West Germany, starts in 1948. First meeting center Peperangan Jerman Menguburkan?Mengukir Commission happened in 1950 in Bundestag in Bonn. In 1952, in one business to distinguish Volkstrauertag from Heldengedenktag, its(the tanggal/date changed to be last finite from ecclesiastical year, one time in kebiasaan?secara traditional dedicates to idea from death, time and eternity. Its extent is also broadened to enter in it they dying because kekerasan?kekejaman from a depressing government, not only they dying battles.

[-   edits] Observation

One observation functionaries to Volkstrauertag takes place in Bundestag Jerman. German President in kebiasaan?secara traditional given a pidato/suara?cara speaks with Chancellor, diplomatic cabinet and corps presents. National Anthem and song " Ich hatt ' einen Kameraden" then is played. Most provinsi-provinsi also defends x'self their ceremonys; veterans usually organizes ceremonys that entering in it a procession from Each religious service to a war memorial, prayer by pastor, pidato/suara?cara speaks by the mayor and veteran chief, a military guard from respecting, some interest networks is in the form of circle is put down, and “ Ich hatt ' einen Kameraden”; where available, also with presence from an officer Bundeswehr like opening proxy.

Because of the relationship ke(pada Advent, date of that is Sunday nearest November, that is. in period out of 13 Novembers to 19 Novembers.


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